Well, yesterday was frustrating. It took the cable guy a lot longer than expected to change things out, and then we ended up with a new router too, so I had to figure out how to reset the password and tell all the devices in our world how to connect to the new internet source. But enough of that.
It's been too long, and I want to do readings for people!
As always, new friends and old are very welcome.
About the readings,
You can simply ask for a single card (with the usual option, for people who tip, to ask for a clarifying card if something isn't clear). The guitar case below is my personal PayPal link, featuring my own artwork, which still inspires me even though it isn't Tarot-related.
I am also offering a five-card reading for $25, or if you want a larger reading we can discuss costs. A signal boost for readings or for the Patereon will allow you to ask for a clarification card on some part of this reading, if you have a question after reading the reading.
Regardless of the length of the reading, you may ask about real life or a creative project, even for a character you play in a game. I can draw a card for you to meditate on, one to represent the Guide you need right now, or to get you unstuck. I can draw a card for your protagonist or villain, can draw a card or cards for you to use as writing or art prompts, and I can modify a more-traditional five-card spread into a prompt for a story focusing on plot or characters or a little of both. Let me know if you have any particular request.
For free one card readings, you can pick from my decks, including the
Brian Froud's Faeries Oracle, the
Daughters of the Moon Tarot (one of the round decks), or the
Shapeshifter Tarot. If you want a Guide to companion you in the new year or the holidays, the
Susan Seddon Boulet or
Fairies Oracle both work well. If you don't pick a deck, I might pick from any of the decks available to me. I do have a lot of other decks, so any deck I've read from before is available if you tip.
The first card is free (though tips are always appreciated, and especially right now as buying a new boiler broke my budget). However, I understand all too well that when people don't have cash or spoons that is generally when they most need inspiration. Don't be afraid to ask for a card if you can't tip.
When you tip, it's helpful to me for you to mention it here so I can connect your Paypal information with your request. Tips should be at least $2 (Paypal charges fees). If Paypal doesn't work for you, drop me a message and we'll work something out. (Hopefully the Guitar Case below will still properly link to Paypal.)
I will reply to all requests here unless a request arrives after I edit the post to declare the draw closed. I intend to leave it open for several days at least, but in the unlikely event that I get more requests than I can easily handle, I will officially close it.
Thank you, Blessed Be, and may the new year be low-stress, productive, healthy, and joyful!
Status: Open!As always, while I work hard to offer insight and inspiration, all I can legally promise is entertainment. See my "
Dandelyon's Readings" page if you have questions.
This entry was originally posted at
https://wyld-dandelyon.dreamwidth.org/458405.html. Be welcome to comment wherever you prefer, but be warned that LJ has not, under the new management, been sending me notifications of comments. I will check LJ periodically, but life being what it is, commenting on DW will likely get you a faster response.